I’m Super

A huge part of who we are is how we grew up.  I came to America after my mother and father placed me in a space shuttle only moments before my home planet Krypton exploded; I suppose you could say I arrived with a bang.  Upon crashing to Earth in Kansas, my Ma and Pa Kent recovered me from the shuttle and raised me as their own.  Bruce Wayne certainly went through the challenge of watching his parents killed in front of him, but I was raised by parents with very little money while he had everything given to him.

As a humble superhuman, I don’t like to brag, but I would like to state that I possess the following:

–Super strength (I can move planets nbd)

–Unassisted flight

–Super speed (nearly as fast as The Flash nbd)

–Invulnerability (can survive nuclear explosion nbd)

–Super vision (can observe events on the atomic and microscopic level nbd)

–Mental powers (beat Flash in speedreading nbd)

–Stamina (can survive w/0 food, water, or rest indefinitely nbd)

***I knew these of course but thanks to http://superman.wikia.com/wiki/Superman%27s_Powers_and_Abilities

I don’t want to criticize Batman much because he already has some issues, but the choice is clear…I’m the better superhero.  Batman is a rich guy who spent enough money to become a hero.  Who would you call first?  The answer is clear.


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