ENG 13 CLASSES–Writing with VOICE–Write a blog post as Superman

VOICE is one of the 6 Traits of Writing… see below

             –VOICE is very hard to explain and teach, but here I go…

VOICE–def.–the distinct personality of a piece of writing; the “heart and soul” of your writing

           ***If a piece of writing has voice, I can tell a living, breathing, feeling person has written it.  There is passion behind the words!

Here’s an example of having VOICE in writing, courtesy of an Evan Bellavia blog post…

(Sighs) The 40 year old me inside is about to go off on a little rant so please bear with me. So yesterday, I was watching the Time Warner News (yes I know it’s called Spectrum, but I’m still gonna call it Time Warner because Spectrum is just blah) and I saw a story about how Uber is developing a new food delivery system called “Uber Eats”…….. Ok? 

Let’s do a writing activity to work on incorporating VOICE into our writing.  You won’t be writing as yourself though, you’ll be writing as Superman.

YOUR TASK:  Write an at least 200-word piece as Superman, explaining to the general public, in detail, why he is a better superhero than Batman.  Type this on your blog at edublogs.org


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